1. Exercise common sense and be considerate toward your fellow users. Diversity of opinion and intelligent civil discourse is encouraged; by the same token, insults and "flaming" are not tolerated. Disagreeing with an idea of another community member is different from attacking that individual.
2. Do not post off-topic. Please keep your comments consistent with the subject and purpose of the conversation thread. Deliberate disruption -- such as consistent off-topic and/or frivolous commentary -- will not be tolerated such posts will be deleted or redirected to our general chat area.
Eksena Iloilo moderators reserve the right to delete posts and/or whole conversations we determine are of an irrelevant, abusive or disruptive nature.
This is your community - let us or your fellow posters know if you feel things are getting off-topic or inappropriate.
3. No all-caps (FOR EXAMPLE, LIKE THIS) or all-bolds please. It is extremely hard to read. Posts submitted in all-caps or all-bolds will be deleted automatically.
4. Respect the work of others. Although we love the extra information and sources you bring to this forum, due to copyright and space issues, please do not quote entire news articles from other sources; small excerpts and/or a link keeps things legal. Please provide a link or credit the site where you got it from.
5. Don't forget to have fun!